Update on Zombietime’s research on the Red Cross Ambulance hoax

Who is Zombie?
The thorough research carried out by Zombietime in exposing false allegations that Israel deliberately bombed Red Cross ambulances in Lebanon has led to speculation about the identity of the person behind the site.

He/she gives some clues in response to an article by Jo Chandler in Australian newspaper “The Age” which asked “Who is the Zombie behind zombietime.com?”
This is what Zombie replied.
* I am not “right-wing.” Far from it. As mentioned above, I believe in progressive liberal democracy. If one still accepts the cogency of the now-outdated and politically irrelevant left/right dichotomy (which I don’t), then if anything it is the people who consider me their foe who ought to be considered “right-wing,” by its traditional definition. I am pro-freedom, and have a distaste for totalitarianism and theocracy. “Left” or “right” have nothing to do with it.

* I try not to “taunt” anybody. I just try to present or analyze photographic evidence. Nor do I consider anyone my “foe.” If people out there don’t like the evidence I present, then it is they who feel taunted and who define me as their foe.

* “He”? Where did they get that? I have never stated my gender. Jumping to conclusions.

* I have never said where I live, either. Yes, I take photographs in San Francisco frequently, but that does not mean I necessarily live there. Again, jumping to conclusions.

* I take my pictures “for fun”? Quite the contrary — it is hard work, and decidedly unpleasant. I do it because it is necessary, not because it is fun. Of course, saying that I do what I do “for fun” is nothing more than a heavy-handed attempt to brand me as an untrained amateur whose opinions are therefore marginalized. In fact, the entire article is nothing more than that: a petty ad hominem attack to undermine my credibility, as if that somehow would prop up their arguments. This is a logical fallacy used by debaters who have run out of valid arguments.

The email in the right hand column, which I received from Zombie this morning does not help much in figuring out who he/she is, but the link he gives, contains a revealing update on the ongoing interchange of views in mainstream media on this important subject including remarks by Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer. No doubt Zombie’s valuable research will figure in any ICJ trial which may occur.

Email from “Zombie”
X-Sender: hello@pop.lmi.net
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 22:13:35 -0700
From: zombie
Subject: Re: An open reply to Martin Chulov

Maurice —

I updated my essay to give a link to your “open reply” — you can find it at the bottom of the Chulov section here:


Maurice Ostroff published an open letter to Martin Chulov pointing out many of the inconsistencies in Chulov’s ambulance reports.

Good job! Now your letter is part of the official essay.